Weekly Paddle Discussion: A Review of the Latest Perseus Paddle

Join the discussion on the new Perseus paddle with increased power in our weekly paddle thread!

Join the discussion on the new Perseus paddle with increased power in our weekly paddle thread!


  • Players excitedly recommend the new g3 Perseus paddle for its increased power
  • Thrive Azul paddle receives positive reviews with giveaways
  • Players discuss delays in receiving proton paddles and debate on 11mm vs. 15mm

Excitement Over New Perseus Paddle

Many players are thrilled with the power of the new g3 Perseus paddle compared to its previous versions. MrFuturistik shares, “Played with the new g3 Perseus, it seems solid and has a lot of power. Would def recommend it.” This positive sentiment indicates the paddle’s popularity among players looking for increased power

Thrive Azul Paddle Makes Waves

ThePickleballDad promotes the Thrive Azul paddle with a review and giveaway. He states, “Thrive Azul Review live with big power and pop, pick your own swing weight + giveaway.” This promotional content generates excitement and engagement within the community

Delays and Decision Making

Forsaken_Vegetable29 expresses frustration over delays in receiving proton paddles, sparking a debate on 11mm vs. 15mm paddles. The user contemplates switching to the 11mm for better power and pop, highlighting the importance of timely delivery and paddle specifications