Ping Vortec Trademarked

We have no idea for what, nor do we have any idea if it’ll ever be printed on any of Ping’s equipment, but as a just in case, then trademarked the term ‘Vortec’ for future use on its equipment. What do we think this name may be for? Likely some sort of driver or driver …

We have no idea for what, nor do we have any idea if it’ll ever be printed on any of Ping’s equipment, but as a just in case, then trademarked the term ‘Vortec’ for future use on its equipment. What do we think this name may be for? Likely some sort of driver or driver element that should (in theory) help reduce drag, or improve swing speed. Time will tell… or it won’t regardless, we thought we’d share this interesting tid bit of information with the masses.  See the full trademark here: Ping Vortec

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