Pickleball Rules Debate: Catching the Ball Before the Bounce

Join the debate on whether catching a ball before a bounce should award the point in pickleball.

Two quick rules questions in pickleball stirred up a debate among players. Should catching a ball before the bounce award the point? Let’s see…


  • Some players believe catching a ball before the bounce should award the point for speed and practicality.
  • Others argue that tournament rules should prevail over casual play in determining the outcome of such situations.
  • Hitting a player with the ball may result in an advantage for the hitter, depending on the circumstance.

Debate Over Catching the Ball

The debate centers around whether catching a ball headed out before it bounces should award the point. While some see it as a practical way to speed up the game, others argue for strict adherence to tournament rules even in casual play.

Impact of Hitting a Player

Some players point out that hitting a player with the ball intentionally is not as easy as it seems and may sometimes result in an advantage for the hitter, making it a strategic move in certain situations.

Player Perspectives

Players like Canoe52 bring humor to the debate by considering their playing partners, adding a light-hearted touch to the discussion.

Others like NashGe provide insights into the difficulty of aiming at someone’s feet intentionally, shedding light on the practicality of Rule 2.

Ultimately, the debate over these rules reveals the diverse perspectives and approaches players take in interpreting and applying the rules of pickleball.