Overcoming Setbacks: Rediscovering Yoga Journey

Returning to yoga after a break can be tough, but the journey back is filled with growth and self-discovery.

Discover how users in a yoga subreddit feel about returning to yoga after a hiatus.


  • Rediscovering yoga after a break can be challenging but offers opportunities for growth.
  • Practicing yoga is about experiencing your current reality without judgment.
  • Returning to yoga presents a chance for introspection and self-compassion.

Ram-Dos’s Insight

Returning to your yoga practice after a hiatus provides an opportunity to embrace your current reality without clinging to past expectations. It’s a chance to practice acceptance and mindfulness in the face of challenges.

L_D_G’s Perspective

Coming back to yoga after a break can be a humbling experience, but it also serves as a reminder of the growth and progress you’ve made. Setting new goals and embracing the journey back can be a source of motivation and fulfillment.

Phoex1’s Encouragement

Being patient and consistent with your practice is key to regaining your flexibility and strength. Trust the process and allow yourself grace as you work towards rebuilding your practice.

Duckie-Moon’s Positive Outlook

View your return to yoga as a journey of self-transformation. Embrace the opportunity to reconnect with your practice and celebrate the progress you make, both physically and internally. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout the process.