Overcoming Adversity: Golf Coach’s Harsh Critique Sparks Debate Among Redditors

Can a golf coach’s negative critique crush a player’s spirit or motivate them to prove them wrong? Redditors share their take.

A golfer receives harsh feedback from a coach, leaving them dejected. The coach questions their athleticism, sparking doubts about their future in the game.


  • Some users believe that determination trumps physical limitations in golf.
  • Weight loss and fitness are highlighted as crucial factors in improving performance.
  • Positive anecdotes of older or overweight players excelling offer hope and inspiration.
  • The coach’s approach is criticized, with suggestions to seek alternative instructors for support and guidance.

Believing in Yourself

One user shared, “I believe in you and this made me think about the ‘Man in the Area’ speech from Teddy Roosevelt.”

Physical Challenges

Another user discussed how weight loss and fitness transformed their golfing experience, emphasizing the importance of health and well-being

Defying Expectations

Despite physical limitations, an individual can still enjoy and excel at golf with determination and a supportive community

Embracing the Journey

Golf is not just a sport but a personal journey, and every golfer deserves the chance to pursue it passionately