Max Homa’s Influence: The 7 Wood Craze Taking Over Golfers

Discover why golfers are flocking to add a 7 wood to their bags after Max Homa’s performance at the Masters!

After Max Homa’s stellar performance at the Masters, golfers on Reddit have been buzzing about adding a 7 wood to their bags. Find out why below!


  • Golfers are inspired by Max Homa’s success to try new clubs like the 7 wood, signaling a trend towards equipment experimentation.
  • The 7 wood is gaining popularity for its reliability and distance, as highlighted by users’ positive experiences with the club.
  • Some golfers are seeking advice on transitioning to woods from irons, illustrating a shift in club preferences influenced by tour performances.

Exploring the 7 Wood Hype

Golfers like SwooshGolf are embracing the 7 wood trend with humor and camaraderie, forming the ‘7 Wood Gang’ and encouraging others to join in the fun.

Favorable Experiences with the 7 Wood

Comments from users such as Low_Country793 showcase the 7 wood’s appeal, noting its consistency in distance and accuracy, making it a favorite choice among players.

Transitioning from Irons to Woods

Experiences like aws1981’s dilemma highlight golfers’ struggles with certain clubs, leading them to seek advice on forums and adapt their equipment choices based on personal performance.

Judge_Rhinohold’s inquiry about the 7 wood’s role in the bag reveals a curiosity among golfers about how new clubs fit into their existing set, showing a shift in gear selection influenced by pro players’ choices.

Ok-Investment-9646’s enthusiastic response to the 7 wood purchase indicates the impact of peer recommendations and positive reviews on golfers’ club selections, contributing to the growing popularity of certain equipment models.

Starscreammm333’s alternative club suggestions demonstrate the diverse opinions within the golfing community, showcasing the range of preferences and choices players have when selecting new gear based on individual playing styles and needs.

The recent surge in interest around the 7 wood following Max Homa’s success at the Masters highlights the influence of professional performances on amateur golfers’ equipment decisions and signals a potential shift in club preferences towards more specialized and versatile options.