Mastering Backhand Drops and Dinks in Pickleball: The Wrist Controversy

Should you keep your wrist hinged back for successful backhand drops and dinks in pickleball? Let’s find out!

When it comes to optimizing your backhand drops and dinks in pickleball, the debate around whether to keep your wrist slightly hinged back has sparked curiosity among players. Dive in to unravel the secrets!


  • Keeping your wrist cocked back aids in achieving the right angle for cross-court backhand shots
  • Understanding the paddle angle and visibility plays a crucial role in wrist positioning for different shot directions
  • The debate lies between maintaining wrist flexibility for control versus sacrificing visibility for comfort


One user highlighted the importance of wrist positioning for cross-court shots, emphasizing the need to lock the wrist for optimal arm swing.

Angles Matter

Another user delved into the mechanics of wrist positioning, explaining how it affects the paddle angle and visibility, particularly for right-handed players dinking to their right.

Identifiable Threads

A playful comment showcased the community’s familiarity with the original poster’s threads, adding a touch of humor to the conversation.

Overall, the wrist controversy in backhand drops and dinks unveils the delicate balance between technique, vision, and comfort on the pickleball court. Players continue to experiment with different approaches to find their perfect shot execution.