Best Ways to Politely Ask Someone to Stop Following You in Pickleball

Navigating the delicate balance of fun and boundaries in pickleball.

In a game of pickleball, how do you politely ask someone to stop following you while not hurting their feelings?


  • Find subtle ways to suggest playing with others without causing offense.
  • Using strategic breaks or excuses can divert attention diplomatically.
  • Honesty and directness can be effective but must be balanced with tact and kindness.

Dealing with a Persistent Partner

One user shared, “This is when I take a long restroom break or go get some water or towel that I might not really need.” It’s a tactful way to create some space without confrontation.

Importance of Communication

Another user recommended, “Just be honest.” While directness can be effective, it’s crucial to communicate with empathy to maintain relationships.

Social Dynamics in Pickleball

A user highlighted, “Do not worry about hurting their feelings. Most people understand after a few games, you want to play with other people.” This perspective sheds light on the common nature of player rotations.

In navigating interpersonal dynamics on the pickleball court, remember that clear communication and a touch of diplomacy can go a long way in ensuring a harmonious playing experience.