Are Golf Lessons for Beginners Worth It? Expert Opinions and Advice

Is spending on golf lessons for beginners a hole-in-one investment or a swing and a miss? Expert golfers weigh in.

Considering investing in golf lessons as a beginner? Here’s what experienced golfers have to say about whether they’re worth it or not.


  • Lessons from a pro are the best value for money in golf.
  • Amateurs may not make good golf teachers.
  • Group lessons offer a cheaper way to learn the basics and meet new golfers.
  • Building correct habits early through lessons as a beginner is crucial.

The Value of Professional Lessons

Many redditors believe that investing in lessons from a professional golf instructor is one of the best decisions a beginner can make. One user, UB_cse, emphasizes that there is no better value for money in golf than lessons from a pro before bad habits are ingrained. This sentiment is echoed by multiple users who stress the importance of learning from a qualified instructor to avoid developing incorrect techniques.