Analyzing the 2024 NFL Draft Picks by Conference

Discover the reactions to the 2024 NFL Draft picks by conference shared on Reddit.

Exploring the insights from Reddit about the 2024 NFL Draft picks by conference.


  • Discussion on G5 player drafts being relatively low.
  • Perception on the impact of presidential decisions on draft relevance.
  • Queries on a list of draft picks by individual colleges.
  • Comparison of draft picks between conferences and their implications.

Insightful Reactions

One user pointed out the scarcity of G5 player drafts compared to P4 programs, highlighting lax regulation and enforcement issues.

Changing Relevance

A user expressed how past decisions have diminished the significance of NFL draft picks, hinting at presidential blunders.

Curiosity Unleashed

A user inquired about a detailed list of draft picks by individual colleges, showcasing keen interest in specific data.

Conference Comparison

A user commented on the draft picks disparity between conferences and speculated on the reasons behind it.

The discussions on the Reddit post unveil diverse perspectives and critiques, offering a nuanced view on the impact of various factors on the NFL draft process.