Why Playing Partners Who Never Putt Out Are a Golfing Dilemma

What happens when your playing partner never putts out? Find out the unusual golfing habits in this hilarious read!

I play with a guy at least once a week and I’ve never seen him make a putt. Every hole he takes a least a 7-10ft gimme. We never play for money so I don’t really care, but he will hit it within that range and then just go pick it up and move on. It always makes me laugh when he says he “shot” a 77 or less after the round. 1 to 2ft is usually what I’ve seen in the past but this guy is a breed of his own. Anyone else ever play with someone that literally never putts out?


  • Ever faced a golf buddy who never putts out?
  • Discover some hilarious golfing habits.

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Joyful Endings

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