Why Isn’t Singles More Popular in Pickleball? Insights from Reddit

Discover the reasons behind the lack of popularity of singles in pickleball from the perspectives of passionate players.

Many pickleball enthusiasts wonder why singles isn’t more popular compared to doubles. Let’s delve into the Reddit discussions on this topic and uncover the insights shared by players.


  • Singles in pickleball demands more quickness and agility than doubles, making it physically challenging but thrilling to play and watch.
  • Public court availability and the game setup discourage the promotion of singles play, favoring doubles in most settings.
  • Players express mixed feelings about pickleball singles, highlighting differences in gameplay, strategy, and enjoyment compared to tennis singles and pickleball doubles.

Quickness, Agility, and Physical Demands

Drj311 pointed out that singles necessitates more quickness, agility, and athleticism, making it a physically demanding yet exciting format to engage in.

Court Availability and Gameplay Setup

Bigboybuckeyenuts discussed the limitations in court availability and public preferences, indicating a scarcity of opportunities for players to develop their singles game.

Gameplay Challenges and Preferences

3DotsOn2Geckos shared personal insights on the gameplay dynamics of pickleball singles, mentioning the differences in rallies, shot execution, and player strategy that influence the popularity and appeal of the format.

Resident-Antelope478 expressed concerns over the intensity and running involved in singles play, highlighting the perceived challenges and divergences from the essence of pickleball.

Sportyguy emphasized the unique aspects of singles play compared to tennis, emphasizing the distinct strategies and shots involved in each game format.

NowARaider underlined the social and team aspects that make doubles appealing in pickleball while suggesting tennis as an alternative for those seeking singles gameplay and broader court coverage.

Swimming-Elk6740 pointed out that the charm of pickleball diminishes in singles matches for many players, attributing the allure of the sport to the collaborative and fun nature of doubles play.

Overall, the sentiments echoed in the Reddit discussions shed light on the complexities and preferences influencing the popularity of singles in pickleball