BrokelynNYC seeks advice on setting up a 3-court outdoor pickleball facility with plans to expand. Discover what pickleball enthusiasts truly desire!
- Consider adding a locker room/change facility for convenience.
- Explore the idea of selling food and drinks, including partnering with local vendors.
- Implement clear rules and a system for court usage to enhance player experience.
- Establish a rank system for players to ensure fair gameplay.
Jmoneymain’s Insight
If you don’t mind me asking, what is the cost per court? Construction expenses could be a significant factor.
Kabob21’s Suggestion
Consider providing a locker room for players to change on-site. Collaborating with food vendors can enhance the overall experience.
Manufactured1986’s Tip
Enforce clear rules for court usage and consider a rank system for different skill levels, promoting fair play.