Let me ask you something… how many of you slicers out there have tried to counteract it by aiming further left?
Does it help?
To be honest this ‘tip’ does as much good as telling someone to just swing faster in order to gain extra yards. On the rare occasion you do make solid, square contact; your ball is so far in the left trees its not even worth looking for. So why is aiming left just exacerbating your slicing problems?
The answer lies in your address position. 9 times out of 10, when a slicer tries to aim left to fix their slice, they align themselves to their target first, and then shift their stance to aim left. This shift rarely involves any changes to shoulder position, ball position and club position. And herein lies the problem.
If you can fully aim left of your target, but aligning yourself properly (including the club, ball position, stance, shoulders, hips etc), you’ll likely find that, yes, this tactic may keep your golf ball in play… but it’s not exactly a “fix” to your slicing problem. Just hope you don’t hit it straight.
Funny enough, for those of you who simply shift your stance in hopes of keeping your slice at bay, you may be surprised to find out that this is a strategy many professionals use to hit a fade/slice.
So what is the answer to all of this? Aim your feet right! Do the exact opposite of many of you would try. Aiming your stance right will close your stance, but keep your shoulders square – and as you swing you’ll be more likely to attack the ball from inside your target line (a common trait of people who play a draw/ suffer from a hook). And interestingly enough, by approaching the ball from the inside you are more likely to create lag – which is the secret ingredient to more power and distance.
Keep in mind, this is simply a quick fix for your slice, but this drill will help get you swinging on a better path. Give this drill a try!