Golf Shaft Directory Released

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by.  We’re excited to finally announce a much anticipated project of ours.  Until now without knowledge of all the shafts out in the marketplace, it took a lot of legwork to find your perfect shaft.  We have just created a solution.  Out Golf Shaft Directory is a sortable list that …

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by.  We’re excited to finally announce a much anticipated project of ours.  Until now without knowledge of all the shafts out in the marketplace, it took a lot of legwork to find your perfect shaft.  We have just created a solution.  Out Golf Shaft Directory is a sortable list that will allow you to narrow in on the shafts that you’re looking for.  You can sort this list by:

  • Manufacturer Name
  • Shaft Name
  • Shaft Flex
  • Shaft Weight
  • Shaft Torque
  • Shaft Trajectory
  • Shaft Kick Point
  • Shaft Tip Stiffness
  • Shaft Butt Stiffness
  • Swing Types
  • Shaft Spin Characteristics

We spent the better part of a month collecting the specs on all the golf shafts in the North American marketplace and have finally released this list to the public. Free of charge! Simple click the link below, read the instructions, use the filters and find your ideal shaft.

As of today, we are still adding to this list, and currently our Driver, Hybrid and Fairway Wood sections are the most complete.

You’ll find the list in our main website menu, or simply click the link below:

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” target=”blank” ]Golf Shaft Directory >[/button]

4 thoughts on “ Golf Shaft Directory Released”

  1. Good information. Just have some questions about your kick point and launch characteristics with shafts I know are different than what is stated. Maybe I am reading this information wrong. Can definitely be a great help if corrected.

    • Hey Sam – we’d be interested in hearing about your discrepancies for sure. This was a rather daunting project, I imagine some of the information is inaccurate and we’ll require some editing as we go. Send us a quick note to [email protected] and we’ll double check/fix it up!

  2. Good information. Just have some questions about your kick point and launch characteristics with shafts I know are different than what is stated. Maybe I am reading this information wrong. Can definitely be a great help if corrected.

    • Hey Sam – we’d be interested in hearing about your discrepancies for sure. This was a rather daunting project, I imagine some of the information is inaccurate and we’ll require some editing as we go. Send us a quick note to [email protected] and we’ll double check/fix it up!


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