In the golf community, the debate on whether courses should offer etiquette workshops is buzzing.
- Some suggest mandatory etiquette exams like in Sweden.
- Incentives like free rounds could motivate players to attend workshops.
- Cultural differences affect player behavior on military courses in Japan.
- A positive club culture can promote good etiquette without formal workshops.
Etiquette Exams: Educating or Coercing?
One user highlights Sweden’s approach of online etiquette exams and playing tests before allowing access to courses with active memberships. Education or coercion?
Incentives for Education
Offering rewards like free rounds or range tokens for attending workshops could entice players to learn proper etiquette. Will carrots work better than sticks?
Cultural Considerations
On U.S. military courses in Japan, cultural differences influence player behavior and pace. Understanding norms can bridge these gaps.
Nurturing Good Etiquette
Creating a positive club culture based on peer pressure and mimicry can organically promote good etiquette among members. Can exemplary behavior ripple through the community?
For some, formal etiquette workshops are seen as essential to improving behavior on the greens, while others believe that a healthy club environment can naturally instill good manners. Whether courses should mandate these workshops remains a hot topic of discussion in the golfing world.