Rangefinder vs. GPS Watch: Which is Better for Your Golf Game?

Debating between a rangefinder or GPS watch for golf? Let’s dive into what the golf community has to say.

Deciding between a rangefinder and a GPS watch for your golf game? Let’s see what Reddit users have to say about this debate!


  • Rangefinder for pinpoint accuracy.
  • GPS watch for multi-functional use.
  • User preferences vary based on comfort and convenience.

Rangefinder: The Precision Tool

Reddit user ‘MidnightJoker83’ values the accuracy of a rangefinder over a GPS watch, citing discomfort with anything on the wrists while playing.

GPS Watch: The Versatile Companion

‘butterynuggs’ highlights the versatility of a GPS watch for tracking scores and transferring data for a comprehensive golf experience.

User Preferences: Comfort Matters

For ‘FunDayRed’ and ‘Bighead_Golf,’ the rangefinder is the clear winner, emphasizing simplicity and accuracy.

The golf community’s sentiments are split between precision and versatility, ultimately influenced by personal preferences and gameplay needs.