Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by. We’ve gotten wind of a new shaft by Project X that has been generating some buzz on tour and in the golf realms – called Hzrdus. Apparently this shaft has been in testing for quite some time, but only recently got coined its name. Details are scarce, and we don’t know when this shaft is coming to market, or how much it’ll cost – but we’d take a stab at the pricetag to be around $350USD… which is in line with most of Rifle’s offerings.
The shaft itself uses five different types of aerospace-grade carbon fibres. The shaft is specifically design to bend in the mid-section and release its energy without generating a lot of torque or twisting through impact. It features “full-length stiffness” to help accommodate the faster transition made by modern golfers. Clearly this shaft is geared towards professionals and better players on the course.
Here’s the specs we do know:
– 3 weight types: 62, 75, 85 grams
– 3 torque readings: 3.2, 2.9, 2.5
– mid bend point, producing lower ball flights
– said to produce very low-spinning shots
Don Brown, True Temper’s director of golf innovation and product strategy, says additional versions of the shaft are forthcoming. “There will be new models in different color schemes,” Brown said. “We will have other variants. The idea is to be able to fit all golfers. We probably will have 30-plus different shafts when we’re done with this.” – so more to come (taken from Golf Week).
See pictures below!