Overcoming Anxiety in Yoga Teaching – Tips and Encouragement

Facing anxiety about teaching yoga? Dive into advice and support from experienced yogis!

Discovering the joy of yoga, one yogi contemplates their anxiety about teaching. Here are some words of wisdom and encouragement from the yoga community.


  • Embrace your authentic teaching style
  • Accept that growth comes from being a perpetual student
  • Prioritize personal practice and enjoy the journey

Rovemovelove’s Advice

Rovemovelove emphasizes the importance of staying true to yourself as a teacher, trusting your instincts, and maintaining humility. They encourage continuous learning and having fun in the process.

Duckie-Moon’s Experience

Duckie-Moon shares their struggle with imposter syndrome and foot-in-mouth moments, highlighting the journey to overcome self-doubt and embrace the role of a teacher.

TheDrunkenYogi’s Encouragement

TheDrunkenYogi reminds the anxious yogi not to overthink, as nerves are natural. They stress the value of practice, teaching, and being genuine in one’s approach.