Most Memorable Team Appearances on Screen in Non-Football Shows or Movies

Discover the best moments of your favorite team showing up unexpectedly on TV or movie screens.

When our favorite sports teams make appearances in unexpected places on TV or in movies, it’s always a pleasant surprise. Reddit users shared their teams’ memorable background cameos, sparking nostalgia and laughter.


  • Watching USC play Notre Dame in Die Hard brought back fond memories.
  • Ohio State QBs as main characters gave fans a good laugh in movies.
  • Memorable moments like Air Force 1 using footage from a Michigan-Notre Dame game stay with fans.
  • Unique sightings of teams in unexpected places continue to delight viewers.

USC in Die Hard

A USC-Notre Dame game scene in Die Hard resonated with fans, creating a lasting impression of their team’s pop culture presence.

Ohio State QBs in Movies

Keanu Reeves playing former Ohio State QBs in Point Break and The Replacements amused fans, showcasing the team’s unexpected connections in film.

Air Force 1 Michigan-Notre Dame Game

A scene featuring the 1992 Michigan-Notre Dame game in Air Force 1 added a touch of realism for fans, making the moment unforgettable.

Unexpected Team Cameos

Fans continue to be delighted by unexpected team cameos in various shows and movies, creating lasting memories and sparking joy.