Local police caught a man climbing Dortmund stadium roof during #GERDEN. But did he really just want photos?
- What was the man thinking climbing the roof?
- Users question the motive behind the photo excuse.
- Some find humor in his choice of attire.
- Debates arise about his actions being harmless or reckless.
Franzlosel joked about having a molotov cocktail for warmth, sparking humor in an unusual situation
PhD_Cunnilingus added sarcasm about the balaclava attire and mysterious photos
SweatyStation7699 admires the man’s bravery but questions his judgment
MartianDuk hopes the risk was worth the photo
The user cjyoung92 mimics ignorance with a satirical excuse
dani2812 compares the man to adventurous YouTubers
ClearTacos foresees entertaining content from the incident
Kreiswix dismisses the incident as typical tourist behavior
Ook_1233 supports the man’s harmless act