Lying About Pickleball Skills for a Commercial: Tips and Reactions

How to not get caught lying about your Pickleball skills for a commercial. Plus, what Reddit users think about this tactic.

Roaminfinite found themselves in a pickle after exaggerating their Pickleball skills to land a commercial gig.


  • Exaggerating skills for gigs can backfire.
  • Most commercials feature unskilled players.
  • Pickleball is easy to learn for beginners.


Avocado111 doesn’t think rating yourself as a 1 is a good idea. Sdwingnut believes previous commercials set a low bar for skills. GothicHeap thinks the hiring process was flawed. TheSmallestOwl suggests highlighting all the wrong moves in the ad.

FatBoyFC advises getting a cheap paddle set and practicing. aliceboonton suggests watching beginner videos. fryseyes recommends starting with basics and playing with a friend. Joebebs jokes about splitting the earnings if he takes Roaminfinite’s place.

SouthOrlandoFather assures Roaminfinite that anyone with athleticism can learn quickly. switcheroo13 stresses the importance of rules. nsbbeachguy highlights the ease of mediocrity in Pickleball. DaveyDukes suggests buying equipment and watching a YouTube tutorial. Easy-Progress8252 compares Pickleball skills to juggling a soccer ball.

blakesq jokes about Pickleball prison. Calraquin advises Roaminfinite to take a few lessons and play recreationally.