Two superstar athletes in the same city, but has there ever been a greater combo from different sports?
- Gretzky and Magic in LA – a legendary duo that captured the world’s attention.
- Beckham and Kobe – a pairing that transcended borders in star power.
- Messi and Miami’s finest – a potential contender for the ultimate superstar combo.
Legendary Superstar Combos
According to user BearRedWood, Gretzky and Magic Johnson in LA during their prime was a sensational pairing that brought together elite talent from two different sports.
Global Iconic Duos
Rrypl proposed Pelé and Reggie Jackson in mid-70s NY as a combination that attracted attention not just from the US but from around the world.
Inter-Sport Fan Fervor
TruckThunders00 shared a moment between Zlatan and LeBron that showcased the camaraderie between athletes from different spheres.
Pickleskennedy1 highlighted the impact of Beckham and Kobe in terms of widespread name recognition.
Controversial Comparisons
AdmiralDolphin11 raised eyebrows by pointing out that Ohtani’s move from the Angels to the Dodgers didn’t involve much physical relocation.
theboyqueen favored Kobe and Beckham over LeBron and Ohtani in terms of star power, regardless of performance.
AzureAhai questioned whether Messi plus any top Miami Heat player could rival the current duo in question.