Lead Weight in Pickleball: Yes or No?

Discover the debate on using lead weights for your pickleball paddle.

Join the debate on the use of lead weights in pickleball paddles. Users share their insights and experiences.


  • Weight placement varies based on singles or doubles play
  • Consider stability and swing weight when deciding
  • Strategic use of weight based on paddle and playstyle
  • Choose weight material wisely

Players’ Insights

Specialist-Cookie-61 suggests positioning weights head heavy for singles and at the throat for doubles to maintain stability while keeping swing weight low. DinRyu prefers 9/3 o’clock or 8/4 o’clock positions for stability based on paddle type. kodaiko_650 emphasizes the importance of considering the paddle in weight placement decisions.

Expert Opinions

Mcupelli advises against adding lead weights without a clear strategy, highlighting the significance of understanding your paddle and play style. donyjk recommends exploring alternative weight choices like copper or tungsten over lead for health reasons. RawMan99 shares a personal experience of discomfort with added weight on an already head heavy paddle.

Material Matters

emas17 keeps it simple with a preference for tungsten weight. The choice of weight material can impact both performance and safety on the court.