Is This a Spear Fishing Wound? Mystery Unraveled by Reddit Anglers

Reddit anglers debate a intriguing wound on a fish – spear fishing or natural causes?

Reddit anglers are puzzled by a mysterious wound on a fish, questioning if it’s from spear fishing or natural causes.


  • Anglers debate if the wound on the fish is from spear fishing or natural causes.
  • The community leans towards bird-inflicted or gig-related theories.
  • Some suggest sea lice or lamprey as the potential cause.

Insightful Discussions

Reddit user Rich_Opposite_7541 believes the wound is from a bird, possibly a Great Blue Heron or an Osprey. Others like user Meauxjezzy speculate it could be from a flounder gig.

Speculations Galore

User FishfulDreams adds a touch of humor, joking about ‘swim by shootings down in fish world.’ Meanwhile, user hohohoagy proposes a lamprey as the culprit behind the mysterious wound.

Community Theories

User Seminolewind41 highlights fish resilience, suggesting the fish slipped off a gig. The community showcases a mix of expertise and humor in dissecting the mystery.