How to Win at Golf – Shoot 59 Four Times in a Row!

Imagine being able to shoot 59 four times on command in golf. How would you use this superpower to set yourself up for life?

Breakinglucky from the golf subreddit asked users how they would use the ability to shoot 59 four times. Here are some hilarious responses:


  • Users discuss using the ability to enter tournaments, play money matches with pros, and set course records.
  • Some suggest using the rounds strategically for the most impact.
  • Others opt for local fame or high-stakes gambling.

Playing the Game

Users plan to leverage their superpower in creative ways, from pre-qualifiers to local tournaments.

Strategic Moves

Some users strategize using the rounds strategically to maximize their benefits.

Local Legends

Others aim for local fame by setting course records and becoming legends in their communities.

Whether it’s fame, fortune, or local legend status, shooting 59 four times in a row opens up endless possibilities in the golfing world.