How to Encourage Your Partner to Advance to the Kitchen on Return of Serve?

Struggling to get your partner to the kitchen in pickleball? Find out how to help them with these insightful tips!

Struggling to get your partner to the kitchen in pickleball? It seems like plasma_fantasma is facing a common dilemma in doubles play. Despite coaching efforts, their partner struggles to advance to the kitchen line after returning serve, affecting their game strategy.


  • Verbalize cues like “come up” during return
  • Encourage partner to run through returns to move towards the NVZ
  • Focus on footwork and transitioning to the kitchen line smoothly
  • Discuss strategy and willingness to improve with the partner

tKNemesis – Hit return, verbalize “come up”

Offering verbal cues like “come up” during the return can help reinforce the need for quick advancement to the kitchen line, providing a simple reminder for the partner.

switcheroo13 – Run through returns for momentum

Running through returns can help build momentum towards the non-volley zone (NVZ), making it easier for the partner to move up to the kitchen line swiftly after making their shot.

trulygames – Focus on footwork and transitioning

Emphasizing proper footwork and starting the transition to the kitchen line during the return can assist in creating a smoother movement pattern for the partner.

SouthOrlandoFather – Play with multiple partners

Playing with different partners can provide varied experiences and strategies, allowing the partner to adapt and improve their gameplay in different scenarios.

Final Thoughts

Improving communication and understanding between doubles partners is key to enhancing performance on the court. By implementing strategies to encourage and support their partner’s advancement to the kitchen line, plasma_fantasma can strive for better coordination and success in their pickleball games.