Taking up a new sport can be highly rewarding, both physically and mentally, but it’s essential to take caution and learn the proper movements to avoid future injury. Like many sports practicing the wrong move can set you up for an injury, which is why professional instruction is always best no matter the sport. One sport that can be particularly harmful to new players is golf. The amount of pressure this game puts on your back and wrists during a swing can very easily set a player up for injuries. Even with proper instruction, the game can still cause some serious injuries – take Tiger Woods knee and back issues for example. If you’re looking to take up the game we highly suggest professional instruction, but also reading up on potential injury-prone areas of the swing (like those covered in this post).
Many amateurs make the mistake in their attempts to get more distance to stiffen up their muscles by gripping the club like their life depended on it, and by swinging as fast as humanly possible. Ironically, these two strategies are counter-intuitive. In order to truly maximize swing speed, ones muscles and joints must be soft and fluid in order to stretch and flex properly, storing energy that can then be translated to power into the ball. A jerky, stiff armed swing puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders and wrists, as these joints are trying their darnedest to keep the club where you want it to be. Basically, by you locking up your arms and wrists in hopes of hitting the ball straight, you’re reducing your ability to make a fluid repetitive swing that could actually hep keep the ball in play, but in addition you’re setting yourself up for wrist injuries. Imagine the amount of force you’re putting on your wrists if you say chunk a ball with this sort of a swing? What about if you hit a submerged root? These things happen, and ultimately can ruin the game for some people.
One of my good golfing buddies had such a steep descent into a ball, he made a bad swing, and bam, dislocated his wrists – needed surgery. He has never returned to the game after his years of recovery. Instead, keep things light and relaxed. You’d be surprised that you can still drive the ball a long ways, and now your don’t allow your limbs to extend past the point of comfort. If you do feel a slight injury make sure you take the time to recuperate before hitting the course again, you can instead watch some golf on tv, or play games on your computer or even can practice other gaming skills on online bingo sites. List of the best bingo sites can be found here. Start by hitting the range, and make simple movements to test your wrist strength – try putting and chipping before working your way up to a full swing. If you feel pain, you still need more time to recover. If you’re feeling good, let er rip – but remember to stay loose and relaxed.
If you usually only have a lower level of physical activity then don’t expect to be a superhero on the course. If you swing lights out, you’re much more likely to hit the ball further into the woods than that elusive straight shot that actually goes where you were aiming. Anyways, poor swing habits will only lead to issues further down the line and cause you pain later in the process, instead work up to it slowly, and get professional instruction if you are really interested in learning the game. Practicing in smaller doses is much healthier and allows the aspiring player to let their body adjust to the new activity before diving in at the deep end. Stay safe out there!
Stretching before playing is really important. That is why I always stretch before a game. Good read for golf beginners like me! Thanks.
Stretching before playing is really important. That is why I always stretch before a game. Good read for golf beginners like me! Thanks.