How Long Should You Wait Before Doing Yoga After a Fresh Tattoo?

Discover when it’s safe to practice yoga again after getting a new tattoo. Find out what poses to avoid and how to care for your ink.

Getting a new tattoo and itching to do yoga? Here’s the scoop on when it’s safe to hit the mat after your fresh ink.


  • Wait until mostly past the scabby stage before heading back to class.
  • Avoid tight clothing and certain poses that may irritate the tattoo area.
  • Practicing at home in loose clothing can help gauge readiness to return to the studio.
  • Contact your tattoo artist for personalized advice on when to resume your practice.

Insights from the Community

Many users recommend waiting at least a week before practicing yoga post-tattoo. Some suggest up to two weeks to ensure proper healing and preservation of the tattoo. The consensus is to avoid tight clothing and poses that involve pressing on or stretching the tattooed area to prevent discomfort and potential damage. One user recommended contacting the tattoo artist for specific guidance to ensure the best care for your new ink.

Personal Experiences

Several users shared their personal timelines for returning to yoga after getting a tattoo. Some shared instances of returning too soon, leading to discomfort and distraction during practice. Others emphasized the importance of patience and informed care to maintain the quality of the tattoo in the long run.

It’s essential to listen to your body and give your tattoo ample time to heal before resuming your regular yoga routine. By taking the necessary precautions and consulting with your tattoo artist, you can ensure a smooth transition back to your practice without compromising your new ink.