Golfers Divided on the Role of Technology in the Game

Are golfers open to technology like VAR in soccer, or do they prefer the traditional approach? Reddit users weigh in.

Following a Reddit post on the role of technology in soccer, golfers discuss their views on embracing technological advancements in the game.


  • VAR should be an independent panel to avoid bias.
  • VAR seems to focus on minor infractions rather than clear errors.
  • The issue lies with the individuals operating VAR, not the technology itself.
  • The quality of referees and their understanding of the rules are crucial for VAR’s success.

VAR Independence Debate

One user suggested that VAR should operate independently, separate from the referees association, to eliminate any biases in decision-making.

Microscopic Focus

VAR was intended to correct clear errors, but users observed a trend where officials spend excessive time on minor details while overlooking obvious mistakes.

Quality Over Technology

Users emphasized the importance of competent personnel managing VAR, stating that improving the operators is essential for effective utilization of the technology.

All in all, the consensus among golfers is split on the effectiveness of technology in enhancing the sport, with some advocating for better implementation and others preferring a more traditional approach.