Golf Dilemma: What’s the Ruling?

When golfers face an impossible shot, the Reddit community offers hilarious and creative solutions.

When faced with an impossible shot on the golf course, golfers turned to Reddit for advice on what to do next. Here’s what they had to say:


  • Some suggest unusual tactics like going directly to hole 19 or chipping it in like a boss.
  • Others recommend packing up, closing the course, or picking a different day to play.
  • Insightful comments question the intent behind the shot and offer humorous alternatives.


When in doubt, sometimes it’s just time to call it quits and pack it up – an understandable sentiment when the shot seems impossible to make.


Heading directly to hole 19 might be a creative solution to skip the awkward drop dilemma and head straight to the bar for a drink.


For some, an automatic two-putt rule could be a fair compromise for a challenging lie on the green.