First Hole-in-One Excitement at Harbor Point Golf Club

Join the celebration as Duck5oup makes an amazing hole-in-one at Harbor Point Golf Club in Mukilteo, WA!

A golfer named Duck5oup shares the thrilling moment of achieving a hole-in-one at Harbor Point Golf Club in Mukilteo, WA.


  • Golfer makes a hole-in-one with a pitching wedge from 125 yards.
  • Local reddit users congratulate Duck5oup on his remarkable achievement.
  • Commenters share their experiences at Harbor Point and express their excitement for Duck5oup.

First Hole-in-One

Experiencing one’s first hole-in-one is a monumental achievement in golf, and Duck5oup’s recent success at Harbor Point Golf Club in Mukilteo, WA, has the Reddit golf community buzzing with excitement.

Community Celebration

Reddit users like Ok-Hedgehog-8644 and DawgPack22 chime in with congratulations, highlighting the significance of achieving a hole-in-one at the picturesque course.

Shared Excitement

From celebratory drinks to humorous remarks about the challenges of the course, the comments reflect a mix of joy, camaraderie, and a shared love for the game of golf.