Can I Use These for Beach Casting or Stick to Trolling?

Discover if these fishing gear findings are suitable for beach casting or just trolling in this insightful Reddit analysis.

Users discuss the suitability of fishing gear found at Goodwill for beach casting or trolling. Find out if these treasures are hidden gems or just a fish out of water.


  • Fishing enthusiasts express mixed views on using certain fishing gear for beach casting.
  • Some users suggest the gear is more suitable for offshore fishing or trolling than beach casting.
  • Tips include using a kayak for bait placement or practicing surf casting with sufficient weight.

Users’ Insights on Equipment

“Yo no casting from beach with that baby! It’s a boat rod meant for bottom fishing, no casting involved.”

“Almost useless for casting, unless you have a kayak to bring your bait out.”

Community Suggestions and Advice

“You can do anything if you believe in yourself.”

“The rod may be too short for effective surf casting.”

Expert Opinions on Reel and Rod

“I wouldn’t cast a Penn Senator without brakes, but some have successfully modded it for casting.”

“Whatever gets your bait to the fish can work in the end!”

Discover a community grappling with the beach casting dilemma, dispensing advice, and sharing experiences about fishing gear repurposing. Users exchange varied opinions and suggest innovative solutions to make the most of newfound fishing treasures.