Brisbane Marathon 2024: A Rollercoaster of Emotions and Struggles

Join us on a journey through the highs and lows of the Brisbane Marathon 2024!

The Brisbane Marathon 2024 brought out a mix of emotions and challenges for one runner. Here’s a look at their race experience!


  • Challenges faced during training and pre-race preparation
  • Struggles with pacing and unexpected physical issues during the race
  • Post-race reflections and lessons learned

Training and Preparation

Despite a solid training plan, the runner faced setbacks with injuries and illness, impacting their race readiness. Missing key runs added to the pre-race anxiety.

Race Day Struggles

High heart rates, stomach cramps, and unexpected physical issues threw off the runner’s pacing and performance. The second half of the race presented significant challenges.

Post-Race Recovery

Despite the struggles, the runner persevered and crossed the finish line, supported by loved ones. Reflecting on the experience, the runner plans to make changes for future races.

The Brisbane Marathon 2024 was a test of resilience and determination for this individual, showcasing the ups and downs of the marathon journey.