New Season Means New Golf Balls

Hello everyone and thanks for dropping by. It’s starting to really cool off in many parts of North America (including here) and golfers are scrambling to get a few more rounds in. We get lots of golf ball questions and the search for a good cold weather ball is a popular topic. Let’s dive into …

Hello everyone and thanks for dropping by. It’s starting to really cool off in many parts of North America (including here) and golfers are scrambling to get a few more rounds in. We get lots of golf ball questions and the search for a good cold weather ball is a popular topic. Let’s dive into the mailbag and talk a bit about the right golf ball for cooler conditions.

I live in the Northwest and can usually play 12 months a year since a little rain doesn’t bother me. During the “golf season”, I play the Nike One Platinum. Playing them in the winter with our wet conditions seems like a waste of money with distances down due to wet fairways, heavier air, lost balls due to plugging, etc. Can you recommend some less expensive balls that might fit the winter bill?

No problem. The Nike One ball is great but there are better ones for cooler weather. Look for a ball with a lower compression… something that maximizes distance. Remember that colder conditions alter both how the ball acts and how you swing the club. A ball like the Precept Lady, Titleist DT Solo, Nike Mojo, Dunlop Loco or the Callaway HX Pearl will help you get the extra few yards that you’d otherwise lose. It used to be that low compression balls lacked performance… they’d be great distance options but many lacked some of the other technologies found in higher end balls. Companies are starting to realize that there is a market for high performance/low compression balls. My two favorites in this category are the Precept Lady and the Callaway HX Pearl. My customers love these balls and sales seem to go nuts right about now. Both feature a soft feel, great distance and even a bit of spin. The Precept is my cold weather ball and their aren’t too many things it can’t do! I don’t think it’s fair to say that these would give your Nike One’s a run for their money on a hot summer day but they’ll keep the game fun when the weather gets cool!

Thanks for the email… now go bundle up and play some golf! Talk to you tomorrow.

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