How many of you dread those short, should-be tap-ins? Those three footers that make you get butterflies in your stomach? The ones that you say to yourself, “if you miss, you’ll look like a moron”. We have all been through it, and we have all missed a putt within two feet, so don’t feel too bad.
Did you guys check out the Players Championship? On those slick greens short putts were no gimme’s, and the pro’s were proving that fact by missing many of them. Here’s an easy drill you can try at your home course to help you sink those short putts.
Grab a tee and stick it into edge of the cup. Now setup and putt directly into the tee, try and hit the tee each time, pretend as if you are hammering the tee into the back of the cup. By hitting the ball firmer on shorter putts, you allow the ball less time to break… so the ball rolls straighter. Also by focusing your aim on hitting a smaller target (the tee), instead of a larger target (the hole), you’ll find it easier to find the bottom of the cup on the real course. Harvey Penick, a famous golf instructor, said to “Take Dead Aim”, take a lead out of his book and try this drill. I promise you after awhile, no more stomach butterflies… only confidence.
SirShanksAlot Adds… Hey everyone. It’s been a long day and your favorite golf blogger is a bit tired. I’m going to focus on some emails tonight so here is The Golf Drill Guru’s post a bit early. I’ll be back on the weekend so be sure to check back then. We should also have more information on the new TaylorMade golf ball on Monday. Have a great weekend and we’ll talk to you all very soon.