Happy Birthday To Us!

It’s hard to believe that SirShanksAlot.com is actually a year old. It seems like only yesterday I was sitting in my family room trying to figure out how to launch the site. Like I’ve said all along… I’m a golf guy… not a computer guy. I still don’t know how to launch a website so …

It’s hard to believe that SirShanksAlot.com is actually a year old. It seems like only yesterday I was sitting in my family room trying to figure out how to launch the site. Like I’ve said all along… I’m a golf guy… not a computer guy. I still don’t know how to launch a website so don’t ask me to give you directions. I won’t drag this on and make it sound like a long winded Oscar speech but there are a few things I want to mention.

I want to first thank SirPuttsAlot. I was really excited when he said that he wanted to help make SirShanksAlot.com a success and this site would be nothing without him. You might not see his name on the site as much as mine but if you write us an email you’ll probably get a response from him. He has responded to a ton of emails over the past year and always gives readers quality responses. Thanks to Ms. PuttsAlot for putting up with our beer filled “meetings” in her living room too! Also thanks to SirHacksAlot for redesigning the website and making it easier to use!

I also want to thank all of my friends and family for all their support. I don’t know how many times they have sat there and listened to me blab on about hits, Wordpress, links and email. Thanks to all of them that read the site on a daily basis too! This includes Ms. ShanksAlot (who probably doesn’t like that name but whatever!). I don’t know how many times we’ve had to postpone our plans so I can write a post. She’s also the official proofreader of SirShanksAlot.com! Thanks to SirShanksAlot Jr. for reading the site whenever he can and for sitting quietly while I type every night. I PROMISE I’ll play more video game with you next year… just not Star Wars… why not Madden or Links 2005? Thanks to everyone!

Thanks to other sites and companies that we have worked with in the past year. The boys at Golfwrx, Kevin at Innovex Golf, Scott at Peak Vision Sports, Jason at TaylorMade Golf, Don at Advantage Football and all of the other folks at other websites along the way. Check out our “Links” section for more details!

The biggest thanks has to go to the hundreds of thousands of people that have visited SirShanksAlot.com. It’s really strange to think that people from all around the world check out our site on a daily basis. It’s even more strange that people all around the world have been supporting our site by buying a shirt at our online store. Thanks for spreading the SirShanksAlot.com message! We get emails from all sorts of different people and it gives us a taste of what our readers are like but we’ll never actually get to meet 99.9% of you. Thank you for all of your support. There are days where SirPuttsAlot and I don’t want to write a post or answer an email… but your emails and visits keep us going!

So… after more than 400 posts, 91 golf club reviews, 26 rants, hundreds of thousands of visitors and hundreds of emails… year one is in the books! Here’s to many more!

Best Regards,
