Welcome To The New Site!!

Don’t worry… it’s still us! Welcome to the new and VERY improved SirShanksAlot.com! A special thanks to our dear friend SirHacksAlot for helping… no… basically doing it all. SirPuttsAlot is here too… he was in charge of drinking beer while SirHacks and I slaved away on the new site. Just kidding!Anyways.. why not give you …

Don’t worry… it’s still us! Welcome to the new and VERY improved SirShanksAlot.com! A special thanks to our dear friend SirHacksAlot for helping… no… basically doing it all. SirPuttsAlot is here too… he was in charge of drinking beer while SirHacks and I slaved away on the new site. Just kidding!Anyways.. why not give you a tour of the new site while I’m here. We hope that it is a bit easier to use. We added a search feature and tried to make the categories easy to follow. The biggest upside to the new site is the ease of use for us… the guys that write stuff everyday. This means a lot more content and more updates! You will probably see more updates authored by SirPuttsAlot too. I’d say that’s a good thing! Everything from the old site is here… with the exception of the Great Club Comparison. This was a cool idea at the time but it was really tough to update. We decided to increase the number of golf club reviews instead. Speaking of golf club reviews… we have now made all the reviews out of ten. It makes it a bit easier to rate clubs when you have ten points instead of five. Thanks to everyone for all your support over the past month while we have been working on the new site. Keep coming back… we are only going to get bigger and better!

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