Titleist 635CM?

Ok… I lied…. the Hybrid Edition of the Great Club Comparison isn’t ready yet… but it’s coming… trust me! There is a lot of email to get to so let’s get a move on! An email about Chad Campbell and his search for a golf club endorsement. I am still hearing that he will sign …

Ok… I lied…. the Hybrid Edition of the Great Club Comparison isn’t ready yet… but it’s coming… trust me! There is a lot of email to get to so let’s get a move on!

An email about Chad Campbell and his search for a golf club endorsement. I am still hearing that he will sign with either Ping or Cleveland but nothing is official. It is very strange that Chad hasn’t signed with anyone yet… you’d think that he would have found something he likes by now!

Another email about a new Titleist club called the 635CM. This club showed up on a golf message board a while back and was said to be a chromed version of the soon to be released 735CM. I have heard nothing of this club besides that one mention on the message board. I will look into it and will let you know what I find. It doesn’t make sense to me that a company would make two versions of the same club like this but then again… what do I know?

I also got an email from SirPuttsAlot about some Bettinardi wedges. Neither of us have ever seen these before… we don’t know if they are new or if they are old and we just totally missed them. These wedges utilize the same milling technology that is used in the Bettinardi putters and are available in 52,56 and 60 degree lofts. Cheap too… only $215.00 US each… what a deal! Check out www.bettinardi.com for more details.

A big hello to one of our readers in the UK that emailed asking about Nakashima Golf. Yes… I have hit the Nakashima NP-1 irons and yes… they are that good. I personally think that Nakashima Golf has the best forged iron on the market but that’s just me! These clubs are available at select golf shops and from select club makers. www.nakashimagolf.com has a dealers section that might help in finding a dealer near you. Nakashima stuff is available in the UK through www.fatboy-golf.com and they should be able to help you with costs and shaft options. I don’t really want to give anything away but don’t be surprised if you see Nakashima Golf around our site a lot more in the next few months!

The Art and Science of Breaking 90: A Guide to Modern Golf Course Strategy and Equipment is a new book that has just been released by Innovex Golf President Kevin Downey. Both SirPuttsAlot and I had a chance to preview the book a few months ago and we highly recommend it! It is available for purchase at the Innovex Golf online store for just $12.00 US… a steal if you ask me! Check out www.innovexgolf.com for more details and watch for the Innovex System RLS Hybrid in the next Great Club Comparison!

A good weekend for Titleist Golf. Ernie Els, Padraig Harrington and Des Smyth all won using some type of Titleist equipment. Els is a full Titleist player, Harrington uses a Pro V1x golf ball and Smyth uses a Pro V1 ball. Titleist, Callaway and Srixon have all had good seasons so far… TaylorMade seems to have fallen behind a bit after really doing well last year. TaylorMade still gets some pretty good numbers on the different Tours but they don’t have many wins yet.

The Callaway i-Trax putter is now up on www.callawaygolf.com . I am starting to get the feeling that not many consumers even know that this putter exists… I have had no one ask about it yet. I think we will bring a few into my shop and just see how people react. It should be interesting!

I think that is it for today. I have a few more emails to answer and I will do that tomorrow. I am watching the Big Break III right now… it is a shame to see Jan get kicked off. I thought she had the most game but I guess not! Again… what do I know? Have a great day.

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