Are Training Aids A Waste Of Money?

SirPuttsAlot’s new Rant is up and it’s a good one. Ever thought about buying one of those training aids you see on TV? Maybe read this Rant first! There is also another PGA Player Profile up too. Everything you have ever really wanted to know about Ernie Els is just a click away! And just …

SirPuttsAlot’s new Rant is up and it’s a good one. Ever thought about buying one of those training aids you see on TV? Maybe read this Rant first!

There is also another PGA Player Profile up too. Everything you have ever really wanted to know about Ernie Els is just a click away!

And just when you think the fun is done…. check out the review of the Nike Ignite Driver.

Ever wanted to know what Effective Hitting Area actually means? Check out the Golf Club Terminology section and find out.

It is the quiet before the storm… not much news this week as companies gear up for the big Orlando PGA Show next week. I guess we have a pretty good idea of what is coming from the major manufacturers but there is always a surprise or two.

I saw a cool junior club today that will be released in Orlando. It is made by a company called Accu Length Golf and it actually expands as the child gets bigger. Check out for more details.

Bag Boy will have some new golf bags at the show. The bags will feature the Grip-Lok system too. I have sold Grip-Lok bags in the past and they seem to be really popular. I personally think it is kind of stupid but what do I know?

Well that’s it for today. Thanks again for all the emails! I think we are almost caught up now… I know I am waiting on an answer on one email… the new Titleist wedges one but I should have something soon. Have a great weekend!

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