I’m all moved in now so you can expect daily updates again. Thanks for your patience last week. And now….. from the new SIRSHANKSALOT World Headquarters…. actually it’s just my condo…. the headlines for today.
Vijay Singh has been using the past few weeks to test a new driver. Rumor has it that he has been trying a Cleveland Launcher Comp prototype. I have reported in the past that Vijay’s deal with Cleveland Golf does not include a driver. He has used a TaylorMade driver for a while now but you know Cleveland would love to have the World #1 playing their driver!
My Bridgestone Golf source brought in some pictures of their new equipment the other day. Their irons look really nice and you can notice a definite Tour Stage influence. I am starting to think that Bridgestone Golf is setting themselves up for a big year in 2005!
The new Hybrid Tour golf bag by West Coast Trends is out and it is pretty interesting. West Coast Trends are the guys that make the world famous Club Glove travel cases. The Hybrid Tour bag allows the golfer to zip off different panels and customize them. This means that you could get a few panels embroidered with different things and then zip certain ones on to create a custom golf bag. This same technology was used on the Team USA bags at the Ryder Cup.
SirPuttsAlot is back and he says he has some good stuff for us. I should see him tomorrow and then we can get some of it up for you.