I have a new Rant from SirPuttsAlot but I think I will hold off on it until next week. It would be a shame if some of you are gone doing Christmas things and miss reading it. I was looking at my site stats today and I am thinking most of our readers are busy with other things right now anyways.
All of us at SIRSHANKSALOT.COM want to wish you a very Merry Christmas. I am starting to see a lot of angry, frustrated and stressed people at my shop right now and I wish I could tell them to just relax and enjoy the season. Who cares if you miss getting a gift for someone or the thing you want is sold out… what really matters is that you are with your friends and family. The whole presents thing is really more for the kids if you ask me.
It’s been a tough day around SIRSHANKSALOT.COM world headquarters…. we had problems with some pipes and now have a pretty wet floor and some damage…. nice Christmas present huh? Thanks to all of my family and friends who have lent their time and energy to help out. They didn’t have to do anything…. they could have been busy with shopping or Christmas parties…. but they dropped everything to help. That’s the best Christmas gift a guy could ever ask for.