The last update for 2004! SIRSHANKSALOT.COM would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I would like to thank my partner SirPuttsAlot for all his hard work and thank all of you for making our site a success. This site was never suppose to be this big… who would have thought people would actually want to read what we write!
SirPuttsAlot’s new Rant is up. This week he focuses on today’s most dominant golfer… and it isn’t Vijay!
Rumor has it that Royal Precision (maker of Rifle shafts) is in trouble. Rifle shafts have kind of had their day if you ask me and I can see how they might be suffering. The company makes great steel shafts but has had no solid entry into the graphite market. Watch for another shaft manufacturer scoop up Royal Precision and rebuild the brand.
Also watch for the new Nike Mojo ball soon. My Nike source says that each box will come with one colored “Karma” ball. The Karma ball that he had was orange.