Have you ever been told your golf swing is all arms? Do you often suffer from a lack of distance and consistency? Not to worry, it’s a very common fault, and today we’re going to share with you a great drill to help you feel the proper lower body motion into impact that your swing is missing. For those of you who suffer from this fault, you’re likely thinking that you’re swinging hard, but the ball is not going anywhere. Other’s may be thinking it is in fact a strength issue. The truth is, it’s simply a lack of leveraging your body weight to effectively create power and speed into impact. Here’s a great drill to try to fix this fault.
You don’t need a club, and start off in your address position as shown in the video below. Next swing your trailing arm back, while keeping your front hand at address – this helps you coil your upper body, and helps you feel the tension a good coil creates. This is an ideal “at the top” position that you should really try to emulate on every swing. Next is the downswing, and this is where your specific “all-arms” problem comes into play. In this drill, the point is to drive your trailing hand hard down towards your other hand with your entire body. The visual of the wall is really important here. As you come into impact, your whole body needs to be dynamic and moving towards the target – this is the key to getting more power at impact, and a more consistent and reliable swing. Practice this drill and you should begin to move away from your all-arms swing.
Give it a shot!