Want to get kids interested in the game? Make it fun, and make it easy. I have to give credit to the folks at this years merchandising show, they really went out of their way to make the game fun and enjoyable for the youngsters. BirdieBall setup a giant inflatable dragon for the kids to hit at – and the kids seem to ate it up. Also at the show were some brave souls that dressed up in padded velcro suits, and took to the range to let kids hit foam balls at them (hopefully they were a little luckier than David Faherty shown below wearing a similar suit). Although I’m not sure how I feel about teaching kids that it’s funny to hit golf balls at someone… you have to start somewhere.
I’ve always been an advocate of making sure golf is fun for the youngsters. Although you may not have an inflatable dragon in your garage, you too can make the game just as fun for your kids. Simply setup some buckets as targets to aim at, give them each a point value, and go at it. The game doesn’t always have to be about rules and etiquette.
One for Us
You have to love this creative golf course tool that will never allow golfers to get thirsty again. Although the name implies its only for avid drinkers, (apparently Scan4Drinks was taken?) this clever use of QR codes allows you to make an order on your smartphone, and have it delivered to you by the cart girl who has tracked your GPS position. Cool stuff! Let’s just hope when you order you’re not two fairways over.