The ‘reverse c’ follow-through is a common sight for many amateurs. While this follow-through was very common among professional swings in the 70’s, for most amateurs, it’s a sure sign of a reverse weight-transfer and usually results in weak slice.
The ‘reverse c’ is diagnosed with a follow-through position, where the weight remains on the back foot and the hips are thrust forward – looking like a “Reverse C” when viewed from the front. When your body weight hangs back on your back leg into impact there tends to be a flipping action with the wrists to compensate for the poor weight-transfer. This usually results in an open-clubface and a great loss of power, hence the common weak slice ball flight. The weight shift is a very important addition to the downswing motion, as it helps the body transfer all the stored power into impact and also plays a vital role in squaring the clubface. Without it, your swing falls apart and the results are not pretty.
This drill helps encourage a proper weight-shift by forcing you to shift your weight properly. As you will notice in the picture, there is a ball under my left heel and frankly it’s quite annoying. The point of this ball is simple, your original ‘reverse c’ swing feels right; the extra ball makes you feel uncomfortable, but more importantly, you notice something feels different.
When you get to the top of your swing, you should begin your downswing by transferring your weight to your lead side, this move means the extra ball digs into your heel. Success is accompanied by this uncomfortable feeling, if you don’t feel uncomfortable after you finish, take note of what foot your body weight is resting on. $10 says it’s on your back foot. This drill will exaggerate the feeling we are looking for, but it should get rid of your ‘reverse c’ in a hurry.
Give it a shot!
With all due respect, I think your confusing people by using the term reverse c when I believe you’re talking about the reverse pivot. The typical reverse c is the style of swing that was traditional for people learning the game 40 or 50 years ago and was used by most touring pros in the 70’s. Obviously it would be wrong to say that the touring pros of the 70’s had a problem with getting their weight transferred to the front side.
Hi Jon, thanks for the comment, I see your point. I think ultimately what I was getting at was the for most amateurs, the reverse c follow-through position is usually caused by the reverse pivot. I’m going to re-word the post based on your feedback though, so thanks!