Source: 8 Mobile Apps for Golf Season
1) Golf Genie Practice Drills PRO

This app acts like your virtual golf instructor and provides a whole slew of practice drills for your full swing and short game. Designed by PGA Tour pros, it also provides specific solutions and drills to address common swing faults like hooking, pulling, pushing and slicing. You can use the customization features to pick and choose which drills you’d like to focus on and then create your own personalized practice routine. It’s alsoavailable for BlackBerry phones.
Cost: $0.99 (on sale for a limited time from $2.99)
2) US Golf Courses
U.S. Golf Courses is a basic but useful app that provides a directory of major courses in every state in the country. More than 13,500 courses are listed. In addition to a breakout by state, this app also provides information on each, such as grass/bunker information, contact details, facilities available, food options and more. You can also use the GPS function on the app to search for the nearest course.
Cost: $0.99
3) Golfshot: Golf GPS
Knowing the layout of the course and each hole is essential for every golfer’s game. With a GPS-enabled app like Golfshot, which tracks more than 35,000 courses worldwide, you have immediate access to aerial views, distances to the hole from any spot and exact placement of the pin for better accuracy. The app comes with a handicap calculator, and once stroke information is inputted, it automatically creates statistical graphs that map your performance and makes it easy to track for improvement on future rounds. Yes, it’s a hefty price tag, but it’s cheaper than a single round of golf and will certainly put you on the right track to better play. It’s also available for Android phones.
Cost: $29.99
4) Golf’s Greatest Destinations
If you’re looking for golf course recommendations, Golf’s Greatest Destinations is a handy resource. The app lets you search beautiful destinations and also provides categories such as Best for Buddy Trips, Best for Low Handicappers, Best Desert Courses, Best for Golf & Beach and much more. Information on each course is provided, as are accompanying photos.
Cost: $2.99
5) V1 Golf
There’s a reason why golfing instructors always incorporate video into lessons -– it’s the only way to show you those pesky mistakes in your swing. VIdeo is an important learning tool, which is why V1 Golf incorporates it so prominently. This app not only lets you analyze your own swing, but also lets you compare swings from pros and figure out what adjustments you need to make to stop hooking your drives. You can draw planes on the video screen to see how straight your line is, do split-screens to compare swings and watch in slow motion to see every single movement. It’s also available on Android phones.
Cost: $3.99 (on sale for a limited time from $9.99)
6) The Rules of Golf
There are lots and lots of rules in golf, and there will be a time — if there hasn’t been already — when you’re playing with someone who is ALL about the rules. In those instances, it’s helpful to have a definitive guide to golf. There’s no better authority than the USGA Rules of Golf app. It gets into the nitty gritty of golf so that the next time you’re playing with a stickler who raises a stink about how you re-dropped a dropped ball without penalty because it landed on the putting green, you can whip out Rule 20-2 and prove him wrong. It’s also available for Android phones.
Cost: $3.99
7) Golf Digest Tips Plus
Golf Digest is one of the premier golf magazines. It makes sense that it would have a premier app as well.Tips Plus covers everything from swing mechanics, putting, short game, strategy and golf exercises and also features commentary from the best coaches like Hank Haney, David Leadbetter and Jim Flick. There are accompanying videos for the tips (which unfortunately didn’t work for me), but also text that details helpful advice every golfer should know.
Cost: FREE
8) Golf Channel Mobile
To keep up to speed on the latest news and updates from the world of golf, the Golf Channel Mobileapp is a good one to have. It provides breaking news, up-to-the-minute tournament scoreboards, player profiles and clips from recent Golf Channel shows. There are also clips of instructional videos from popular shows such asThe Golf Fix and The Daily Brew. It’s also available for Android phones.
Cost: FREE