Grand Prix Golf – Japan Only

Source:R2011-0276.jpg (704×704) Source: グランプリ>製品情報>MAX GRANDPRIX プレミアムゴールド SirShanksAlot Comments: Saw these clubs on the USGA conforming list, and had to do a little research. Unfortunately/fortunately these bad boys are only available in Japan. Some very interesting designs.

Source:R2011-0276.jpg (704×704)

Source: グランプリ>製品情報>MAX GRANDPRIX プレミアムゴールド

SirShanksAlot Comments: Saw these clubs on the USGA conforming list, and had to do a little research. Unfortunately/fortunately these bad boys are only available in Japan. Some very interesting designs.


Grand Prix Golf - Japan Only
image MGP-0020 TOUR MGP-0030 SPECIAL image

Grand Prix golf Grand Prix Golf Putters Grand Prix