Source: Putter Blog
SirShanksAlot Comments: With everything going “white” these days – what bag isn’t complete with a candy white putter. The boys over at Putter Lounge (see link above), can do some brilliant work refinishing putters. Check out some of the re-finishing they can do.
Scotty Cameron Laguna with Black Oxide and Candy White Finish
Candy White Finish – Tour Spec Whitlam Design Putter

Custom Paint Job – Candy White Scotty Cameron California Hollywood Putter
Scotty Cameron Pro Platinum – Midnight Oil Finish

I have a Scotty Cameron NewPort II ..Black Head w/White Dots and a Brass Insert on the face. I would like it refinished. I would like the custom length shaft retained and re-installed with a Putter Grip that I will provide. How Much and How Long would this Take..Thanks..Ed Krisha
Hey Ed, you’ll have to check with the folk over at!