Source: iPhone Golf app › iStimp – Golf Stimpmeter
SirShanksAlot Comments: An interesting new product for the iTouch, iPod, iPhone etc. This app, when used properly gives you a decent reading on the stimp of greens. It may take you 5-10 minutes to figure out, and from a players perspective, likely won’t help your game too much. You could just as easily gauge green speed by making a couple of putts. Regardless, it may be used by golf course superintendents and shop pros to advertise their stimp readings to the public. What do you think?
iStimp is a Stimpmeter® for the iPhone.
Calculate the stimp (speed) reading of a golf green. iStimp uses the accelerometer and complex algorithims to work out the stimp reading as if you were using the real thing.
Use iStimp to compare the speed of the greens on a new course with your home course to imporve your putting, or use it to compare different greens on the course to check the consistancy.
- iStimp has been developed and tested to be comparable to the readings from a genuine Stimpmeter®.
- Stimp readings are stored so you can review them later along with the course, hole number, conditions at the time and date the readings were taken.
- Improve your putting by checking the speed of the greens before you play against previous readings so you get a feel for the speed without guessing.
- If you are a greenkeeper you can keep track of the changes in speed after different treatments, or conditions.
- If you are a golfer, you can use this before a round to get an early feel for the greens.